"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Hrishikesh Dahale (27)

Software Developer/Hacker


Hello and welcome to my virtual corner of the internet! I am a Master's student at Arizona State University (ASU), where I am diving deep into the exciting world of computer science with a focus on cybersecurity. I've already had some amazing opportunities to apply my knowledge, including a summer internship at Amazon where I honed my skills as a software developer and got to work with a variety of AWS services. Before that, I spent a year at Cognizant as a project associate, where I not only learned to design UI using dotnet but also created apps for both Android and iOS. My undergraduate journey began at College of Engineering Pune (COEP), where I studied Electronics and Telecommunication. When I'm not studying or working, you can usually find me curled up with a mystery novel or self-help book. I'm also a fitness enthusiast and enjoy going to the gym, as well as trying out new things like learning new programming languages or practicing my foreign language skills. And let's not forget my love for cooking! I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures and journey here on my website.


MY EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Inc - Software Developer Engineer Intern

May 2022 - August 2022

  • an API for SysOps-SAP Service:

    As a software developer, I developed an API that enabled the SysOps-SAP service to automate the configuration process of the AWS-Backint backup service with the AWS backup vault. This API reduced manual effort and errors, resulting in significant time savings for the organization. The project involved analyzing requirements, designing a scalable solution, developing and testing the API, and integrating it with other systems seamlessly.

  • Building Serverless Functions:

    I also have experience building serverless functions using Kotlin. These functions improved scalability, performance, and cost-effectiveness of the solution. The project involved understanding the requirements, designing serverless functions, developing and testing the code, and deploying it to the cloud. This project showcases my expertise in serverless architecture, cloud computing, and software development.

  • Owning the API Development Life-cycle:

    As the lead developer for the API project, I took ownership of the entire development life-cycle. This included collecting and analyzing requirements, devising various strategies, enhancing user experience, performing unit testing, and integrating with other systems seamlessly. This project demonstrated my ability to manage the development process from start to finish and deliver a high-quality solution on time and within budget.

Overall, these projects showcase my expertise in software development, cloud computing, and API development. I have experience in analyzing requirements, designing scalable solutions, developing and testing code, and integrating with other systems seamlessly. These skills and experiences demonstrate my ability to solve complex problems and make meaningful contributions to the industry.

Engineering Guidance Centre - Software Developer & Consultant

June 2020 - February 2021

  • Designing VBA Application:

    As a software developer, I designed and implemented a VBA application to optimize the searching process for universities. By automating the search process, this application increased efficiency and productivity by 35%. This project involved collaborating with stakeholders to identify requirements, designing a user-friendly interface, and implementing a robust codebase that could handle large datasets.

  • Developing ML Modules:

    I also have experience designing machine learning modules using PyTorch and TensorFlow. These modules accurately predicted university allotment based on previous year's data with up to 70% accuracy. This project involved gathering data, identifying relevant features, and training models using various techniques such as cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning. The results of this project demonstrate my ability to leverage machine learning to solve real-world problems.

  • Engaging with Students:

    As a mentor, I engage with students to discuss potential career paths and share knowledge gained from various engineering fields. Through these conversations, I help students make informed decisions and choose the best area to suit their skills and interests. This project involved creating a welcoming environment where students felt comfortable asking questions and discussing their goals. The outcome of this project is that many students were able to identify new areas of interest and make more informed decisions about their future careers.

Overall, these projects showcase my skills in software development, machine learning, and mentorship. Each project required collaboration, problem-solving, and a dedication to quality. These skills and experiences demonstrate my ability to tackle complex problems and make meaningful contributions to the industry.

Cognizant - Project-Associate

November 2018 - October 2019

  • Automated Report Generating Solution:

    As a Project Associate, I developed and implemented an automated end-to-end report generating solution using Visual Basic and PowerShell script. This project resulted in a significant reduction of human labor required for daily report generation, saving valuable time and resources for the company. This project demonstrated my ability to design and implement complex systems, as well as my proficiency in programming languages like Visual Basic and PowerShell.

  • Expertise in Web Design:

    As a part of my role, I demonstrated my expertise in web design by implementing multiple proof-of-concept Web UI designs using DotNet, which improved the overall user experience. This project required a high level of creativity and the ability to design intuitive interfaces that are user-friendly and visually appealing. Through this work, I was able to demonstrate my skills in UI design, as well as my ability to implement complex solutions in a timely and efficient manner.

  • Developed iOS App:

    As a Project Associate, I developed an iOS app for a toy shop that utilizes scanning technology to check for a specific toy in a client database and offers similar products as a result. I utilized a pre-designed ML module to complete the project effectively and delivered a high-quality solution on time and within budget. This project required proficiency in multiple programming languages such as Swift, Python, and Machine Learning frameworks. Through this work, I demonstrated my ability to design and develop high-quality mobile applications that are user-friendly and meet the needs of clients.

Overall, this experience as a Project Associate at Cognizant showcases my expertise in automation, web design, and mobile application development. I have experience in designing and implementing complex systems, developing intuitive interfaces, and delivering high-quality solutions on time and within budget. These skills and experiences demonstrate my ability to work collaboratively, solve complex problems, and make meaningful contributions to the industry.

Azure Skynet Solution Pvt. Ltd - Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (Internship)

June 2017 - August 2017

  • Knowledge of Tools for System Information Collection and Penetration Testing:

    As an intern, I demonstrated knowledge of various tools used for system information collection, penetration testing, and identifying server/system vulnerabilities by researching and discovering the many tools available in the market. This project required a high level of familiarity with various tools and techniques used in the field of cybersecurity, as well as the ability to understand and analyze complex systems.

  • Analysis of Tools and Their Features:

    As a part of my internship, I conducted a thorough analysis of the tools, their features, and functionalities to understand their potential use cases and effectiveness in the field of system security. This analysis involved understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different tools, and the ability to evaluate their effectiveness in identifying vulnerabilities and performing penetration testing.

  • Understanding of Industry Tools and Their Use Cases:

    Through this internship, I developed an understanding of the tools that are widely used in the industry, and how they can be utilized to identify vulnerabilities and perform penetration testing, with the ultimate goal of improving the security of the systems. This project required proficiency in multiple tools used in the industry and a deep understanding of the best practices of ethical hacking and cybersecurity.

Research Work

Arizona State University - (Volunteer) Research Assistance

February 2022 - March 2022

  • Researching 5G MANO:

    As a volunteer Research Assistant, I demonstrated my knowledge and understanding of 5G MANO by researching 3GPP TS 28.531 and TS 28.532 Release 15 (R15) to achieve the management and scheduling of 5G network slices. This project involved reviewing technical specifications and analyzing how they could be implemented in real-world scenarios. Through this work, I was able to deepen my understanding of 5G technology and contribute to the team's overall research objectives.

  • Conducting Thorough Analysis:

    As a part of my role, I conducted a thorough analysis of the 5G MANO test pad, identifying potential flaws or backdoors and composing test cases and scripts to confirm vulnerabilities (if any) in the system. This project required a high level of attention to detail and the ability to think critically about complex systems. The outcomes of this project demonstrated my ability to identify potential security threats and mitigate them through careful testing and analysis.

  • Contributing to Research Team:

    As a member of the research team, I contributed by identifying security vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses in the 5G network orchestration system. I proposed solutions to improve the security and reliability of the network based on my findings. This project required strong communication skills, the ability to work collaboratively, and a deep understanding of complex systems. Through this work, I was able to make a meaningful contribution to the team's research objectives.

Overall, this experience as a Research Assistant at Arizona State University showcases my expertise in 5G technology, security analysis, and research methodology. I have experience in analyzing technical specifications, conducting thorough analysis, and proposing solutions to improve the security and reliability of complex systems. These skills and experiences demonstrate my ability to work collaboratively, solve complex problems, and make meaningful contributions to the industry.


MS in Computer Science (Cybersecurity), Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe

August 2021 - Present

B.Tech in Electronics and Telecommunication, College of Engineering Pune (COEP), Pune

August 2014 - June 2018


Soft skills

  • I have excellent communication skill and confidence in front of an audience
  • I have a talent for investigating and researching different processes to offer different improvements and solution for the benefit of the organization
  • I possess the capability to create and execute efficient plans and make well-informed choices in demanding and intricate circumstances.
  • I have the capability to seamlessly collaborate with a team and establish sturdy connections with coworkers, stakeholders, and allies to attain shared objectives.

Technical skills

  • I have extensive experience in programming languages such as Python and Go.
  • Additionally, I have hands-on experience with other programming languages including Kotlin, C, Bash, Shell Scripting, Swift, and Android development.
  • I am constantly expanding my skillset by learning about cybersecurity tools such as IDA, Metasploit, NMAP, Wireshark, and other related tools in the field of ethical hacking.


  • I love mountain hiking and cycling in my free time
  • I like to read mystery novels
  • I also love to cook


Name: Hrishikesh Dahale

Adress: 1050 S Stanley Pl, Tempe, Arizona

Phone number: +1 (602)621-9670


© 2023 - Hrishikesh Dahale